How do I order checks or deposit slips?

Total deposit is the amount you are depositing into your account minus the cash you are taking back. Signing the slip is required if you are getting cash from your deposit. This is the total amount of cash and checks that you have to deposit. Write down how much cash back you'd...

Pokleknjeni Moraro

V sredo 8. septembra je bila v Moraru tradicijonalna procesija Mariji na čast. Izmed treh županskih kandidatov je eden vlekel voz z Marijinim kipom, drugi je nosil lestenec, tretji, ki je bil delovno odsoten, se je opravičil in obžaloval, da ni mogel, kot običajno, sodelovati v vlogi varnostnika...


Vedno hvali dobrotnike zale, še zvito Terezo in skavtiče male, o Ginu Stradi papež pa nič- ateiste zaslužne naj vzame hudič!

Umazana igra imperializma s talibani v Afganistanu

Umik zahodnih čet (ZDA in NATO) iz Afganistana je napovedal že Trump, demokratski predsednii Joe Biden ga je samo pospešil. Zdaj so gospodarji Afganistana spet talibi, ki so osvojili že dve tretjini ozemlja in večji del mest. Zdaj lahko pričakujemo samo še obleganje Kabulain predajo vladne vojske, ki so jo...

Net Working Capital Formula Example Calculation Ratio

A business has positive working capital when it currently has more current assets than current liabilities. This is a sign of financial health, since it means the company will be able to fully cover its short-term obligations as they come due over the next year. Working capital is a company’s...