Nekoč Van Gogh, zdaj Trump. Umetnost se ponavlja.
“Demokratična država”
Ukrajinske oblasti razočarane zaradi počasnosti asimilacije: »Ukrajinski otroci še vedno govorijo rusko!« | - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Asp Net Improvement Companies Net Development Company
This class library is used to develop varied forms of applications aside from desktop shopper apps for Windows. It makes the development by providing custom net software development drag-and-drop controls onto a Windows Form. Further utilizing code written in .NET languages like C#, VB.NET, etc, developers can modify the parts....
Franca Padovan, edina slovensca candidatca.
Learn What Spiritual Malady Is And The Role It Plays In Your Recovery
For instance, Oldfield offers what I consider a continuum of human functioning, with “fully aliveness” on one side of the spectrum and “sin” on the other. What Oldfield emphasizes in this is that how people function reflects the extent to which they are connected with themselves, the Earth, others, and...
Mit o “dnevu D”
Mit o »dnevu D«: Koliko vojakov so Nemci izgubili v Normandiji in koliko na Vzhodni fronti |
Teater absurda
Zelenski: "Nobenega olimpijskega premirja, Rusija bi si tako opomogla!"Že dobro, da je komik, vendar...
Papež: "Kontracepcijska sredstva so kot smrtonosno orožje!"Kondomi torej streljajo tudi če niso preluknjani. Pavel
V starih biblijskih časih se je nekdo spreobrnil potem ko je dobil preblisk ob padcu s konja na poti v Damask. Danes je omonimni padel še niže in se spreobrnil na (obljubljeni?) poti v Doberdob.
7 NLP Techniques You Can Easily Implement with Python by The PyCoach
NLP, Machine Learning & AI, Explained In just 6 hours, you'll gain foundational knowledge about AI terminology, strategy, and the workflow of machine learning projects. In this article, you’ll learn more about artificial intelligence, what it actually does, and different types of it. In the end, you’ll also learn about...